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Expo 67

Pedagogical Activities
(Grade 3 to Secondary V)

In accordance with the
Ministère de l’Éducation of Quebec curriculum

1) Course outline:


The Library and Archives of Canada presents a virtual exhibition on Expo 67. This site includes a section giving teachers an opportunity to expand their teaching tools and students an opportunity for active learning.

The themes presented are matched with specific learning objectives in the Ministère de l’Éducation of Quebec curriculum for elementary and secondary schools. The themes include the history of the planning of the World Fair in Montreal (project, candidature and results, site choice and construction), various performances and entertainment, Canada’s centennial celebrations and the legacy of Expo 67. In addition, the site offers a description of fifteen or so pavilions including the Canada, USSR and Man the Producer pavilions. This virtual exhibition will feature a number of important guests, including politicians, well-known artists and other people who attended the event.


The objectives are taken from the Quebec Education Program: Preschool and Elementary Education (2001) and from the Secondary School Program issued by the Ministère de l’Éducation of Quebec. The activities presented are geared to students from Grade 3 (elementary level 2) to Secondary V.


The document includes sixteen pedagogical activities, ranging from a treasure hunt to a timeline, as well as a science experiment, a scale model, and a debate. Each activity has a general description and is linked to the corresponding objectives. The activity chosen can be used as a starting point, or it can be included in geography, history, science and technology classes.

Special attention was paid to making the activities stimulating and varied, but also realistic and suitable to be incorporated into the concepts proposed in the Ministère de l’Éducation of Quebec curriculum.

2) Examples of activities:

Examples of suggested pedagogical activities Grade Subject Objectives
Treasure Hunt

Virtual tour of the Indians1 of Canada pavilion  -  The student looks for Amerindian artefacts or activities that inspired modern objects or recreational activities in Canada and Quebec (collecting maple syrup, game of lacrosse etc.).
The student follows a map leading to various locations where the artefacts are buried. Clues are provided to help find the treasures we have inherited from the various Aboriginal nations.
Elementary, 2nd level (Grades 3 and 4)


Elementary, 3rd level (Grades 5 and 6)
Geography, History and Citizenship Education Social Studies

Knowledge relating to Competency 2
(Interpreting change in society and within its borders)

Iroquois society between 1500 and 1745

Knowledge relating to Competency 3
(Openness to the diversity of societies and their territories)

Iroquois society and Algonquin society circa 1500

Micmac society and Inuit society circa 1980
Scale Model

The student produces a scale model, a concrete representation of an object, person, environment or event  -  The student uses different types of materials to create a virtual reproduction of one of the pavilions on the Expo 67 site; the student must refer to an assembly plan and then virtually assemble all the materials.
Elementary, 3rd level (Grades 5 and 6)

Mathematics, Science and Technology

English Language Arts
Life Sciences

Technology and instrumentation
  • Design and build an environment (such as an aquarium, terrarium, incubator, greenhouse).
Role-playing and quiz

Role of politics in society - The student plays the role of the Mayor of Montreal, Jean Drapeau, or another politician who attended Expo 67.

The student answers a series of multiple-choice questions to learn about the duties of the politician chosen.
Elementary, 3rd level (Grades 5 and 6) Geography, History and Citizenship Education Social Studies

Knowledge relating to Competency 2 (Interpreting change in a society and within its borders)

Quebec society between 1900 and 1980

Thorough investigation of a theme, event or artefact  -  The student acts as a guide for a foreign student wishing to learn more about a theme, an event or an artefact inspired by the differences between Quebec society and a non-democratic society.

The purpose of the game is to highlight the differences between the two societies.

A number of subjects can be explored, such as freedom of expression, the right to vote, feminism, a child’s right to an education, work, agriculture, manual labour and mechanical labour in factories and in the fields etc.

In short, the themes, events and artefacts to be discovered are in the pavilions selected that will help you explore Quebec society and a non-democratic society circa 1980.

The Canada, USSR and Africa Place pavilions and others can also be used for comparison.
Elementary, 3rd level (Grades 5 and 6) Geography, History and Citizenship Education Social Studies

Knowledge relating to Competency 3

(Openness to the diversity of societies and their territories)

Quebec society and a non-democratic society circa 1980

A simulation is the recreation of a real phenomenon  -  The student may recreate the history of metal processing, cinematography or any other technique or technology; the student can recreate the developments in the chosen subject on videotape. The video presentation may be accompanied by a narrative text written by the student.
    • Steel pavilion History of metal processing.
    • Pacific-Cominco pavilion New dimension and technology in cinematography.
    • Pulp and Paper pavilion History of papermaking.
    • Engineer’s Place
    • Telephone pavilion Telephone companies tell the history of communications in Canada.
    • The kaleidoscope
    • The Autostade “Permanent collapsible” structure with a capacity of 25,000 seats.
    • Habitat 67 Build a shelter with all the characteristics of modernism.
    • Man the Producer pavilion Man must run the world for the benefit of humankind.

IV and V
Current Affairs, English Language Arts and Film Studies Module 7
The current century

Unit 7.1
Show the link between advances in technology and recent changesin western societies.
Feature Story

Report the essential facts or elements of a society  -  The student plays the role of a journalist, forwarding his findings about a given society to a virtual “Expo 67” newspaper.

For example:
a) The student visits the following pavilions:
  • Quebec
  • Atlantic Provinces
  • Western Provinces
and takes note of the facts that interest him.

b) The student replies to a series of questions. Is the Canada pavilion representative of Canada’s regional disparities? Does it reflect the various cultures in the country?


c) The student presents a comparative study of Canadian society in 1967 and in the year 2002.

d) The student prints the “Expo 67” newspaper that includes, among other highlights, his feature story.
General History, English Language Arts and Journalism Module 7
The current century

Unit 7.2
Identify some aspects which illustrate the continuity, pace andrelativity of changes in the worldaround us.

7.2.3  -  Disparities in development

The puzzle is a way to share the information gathered with other students  -  The student gathers the information that led architects and city planners to choose Iles Notre-Dame and Sainte Hélène as the site for Expo 67; the information is gathered from topographical maps and virtual architectural drawings. The student then shares the information gathered on a specially designed Internet “chat” or “discussion” site where he can confirm or refute his findings.

IV and V
Introduction to Technology

Drawing I
Drawing II

English Language Arts
Module 1
Architectural development

Take a position “for” or “against” modern society - Compared to the 1950s, in what way is Quebec society modern in 1967?
This society has pros and cons; the student must compare and choose the society he likes best. The student must provide reasons for his choice.


The student draws a comparison between Quebec in 1867 and in 1967, choosing the society that seems best to him. The student must provide reasons for his choice.
History of Quebec and Canada

English Language Arts
Module 7
Contemporary Quebec

Unit 7
Analyze the changes in Quebec society from 1960 to today

Change  -  Unit 7.3

7.3.1.  -  The Quiet Revolution (1960-1970)

The poster is a graphic representation and includes a message illustrating and summarizing essential information on a subject  -  The student creates a giant virtual poster including all the art forms, such as architecture, music and painting, which he saw at various Expo 67 pavilions. He draws conclusions from the various art forms he saw, highlighting the similarities and differences.
History and Civilization

English Language Arts

Module 1

Survey of the 20th century

Unit 1.2
Imaginary Interview

The imaginary interview allows the student to direct questions to an animated object or historical person. The student then presents his interview to a third party  -  The student compares the 1900 Paris World Fair with the one in Montreal in 1967. He relies on a guide  -  person or object  -  who teaches him about the differences between the two types of world fairs. The guide answers the student’s questions. The student can also take virtual photographs. At the end of the interview, the student presents the interview as a virtual photo album. The album must also include a commentary.
History and Civilization

Module 1

Survey of the 20th century and elements of civilization Unit 1.1
Science Experiment

Through the science experiment, the student defines a problem, identifies and plays with variables, gathers and records data, interprets the results and shares them with others.  -  Using Expo 67, the student addresses problems relating to metrology, the scientific study of measurement. The student will answer questions such as: How many people can the Expo 67 site accommodate? How many restaurants, French fry stands and other similar establishments were on the site of Expo 67 to feed all the visitors? Etc.
Natural Sciences Module 2

Techniques et methods used in natural sciences

(Specific objectives 4.  -  4.5.)
Critical Analysis

Evaluating a specific situation, the student draws generalizations.  -  The student comes to understand the role of Expo 67 as a pacifistic and rallying event.

a) The student analyzes the presence of the following pavilions at Expo 67:
  • USSR
  • Africa Place
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Czechoslovakia
b) The student lists the reasons justifying the presence of the UN pavilion at Expo 67.
The 20th Century, History and Civilization

Essay Writing
Module 4
The major conflicts and efforts to achieve peace in the 20th century

Unit 4.2
Analyze contemporary conflicts

4.3.1.  -  Pacifist undertakings

4.3.3.  -  Specific plan of action for peace and respect for human rights and freedoms

Demonstration involves illustrating a phenomenon through experience  -  The student visits certain countries to gain an understanding of the poverty in some of them.

Then the student learns about the factors that enabled some poor countries to have visibility at Expo 67.

For example:
  • Africa Place
  • Cuba pavilion
  • Ceylon pavilion
  • Haiti pavilion
The student learns about development assistance provided by wealthier countries to poorer ones.

The 20th Century, History and Civilization

Module 5
Relations between rich and poor countries

Unit 5.1
Inequality between rich and poorcountries

5.1.3.  -  Current relations between rich and poor countries

Unit 5.2
Analyze development and international co-operation assistance

The timeline shows developments over time with respect to certain past or current events  -  The student reconstructs the developments relating to the Montreal World Fair from 1962 to 1967: Who put the idea forward and when? What were the target completion dates for each phase? When was the project completed?
The student is then able to answer the following questions: How long does it take to carry out a project with an international scope? Who were the primary proponents and what were their objectives?
The 20th Century, History and Civilization Module 6
Tendency to form groups

Unit 6.2
Describe the development of certain international organizations since 1960

Evaluation Guide
  Competencies Level I
0% - 49%
Level II
50% - 59%
Level III
60% - 69%
Level IV
70% - 89%
Level V
90% - 100%
KNOWLEDGE AND COMPREHENSION The student demonstrates knowledge of the facts presented and the terms used.          
REFLECTION AND RESEARCH The student conveys information and gives an opinion (critical thinking).          
  The student expresses ideas clearly in front of an audience (discussion and interaction).          
  The student expresses ideas in writing.          
APPLICATION The student formulates generalizations or logical conclusions.          
  The student uses new technologies effectively.          
  The student makes links between the past, present, and future.          

1According to the Department of Indian Affairs, the term “Aboriginal” should be used to refer to the Amerindian and Inuit nations, although the term “Indian” was used in 1967.

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