Ontario - Atlas électoral du Dominion du Canada (1895) - Cartes électorales - ArchiviaNet - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
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Map of Ontario


Addington 1 Middlesex, North 45
Algoma 2 Middlesex, South 46
Bothwell 3 Middlesex, East 47
Brant, South 4 Middlesex, West 48
Brockville 5 Muskoka and Parry Sound 49
Bruce, North 6 Nipissing 50
Bruce, West 7 Norfolk, North 51
Bruce, East 8 Norfolk, South 52
Cardwell 9 Northumberland, East 53
Carleton 10 Northumberland, West 54
Cornwall and Stormont 11 Ontario, North 55
Dundas 12 Ontario, South 56
Durham, East 13 Ontario, West 57
Durham, West 14 Ottawa, City 58
Elgin, East 15 Oxford, North 59
Elgin, West 16 Oxford, South 60
Essex, North 17 Peel 61
Essex, South 18 Perth, North 62
Frontenac 19 Perth, South 63
Glengarry 20 Peterborough, East 64
Grenville, South 21 Peterborough, West 65
Grey, South 22 Prescott 66
Grey, North 23 Prince Edward 67
Grey, East 24 Renfrew, North 68
Haldimand and Monek 25 Renfrew, South 69
Halton 26 Russell 70
Hamilton City 27 Simcoe, North 71
Hastings, West 28 Simcoe, South 72
Hastings, East 29 Simcoe, East 73
Hastings, North 30 Toronto, East 74
Huron, East 31 Toronto, West 75
Huron, West 32 Toronto, Centre 76
Huron, South 33 Victoria, North 77
Kent 34 Victoria, South 78
Kingston City 35 Waterloo, North 79
Lambton, East 36 Waterloo, South 80
Lambton, West 37 Welland 81
Lanark, North 38 Wellington, North 82
Lanark, South 39 Wellington, South 83
Leeds North and Grenville 40 Wellington, Centre 84
Leeds, South 41 Wentworth North and Brant 85
Lennox, North 42 Wentworth, South 86
Lincoln and Niagara 43 York, North 87
London City 44 York, East 88
York, West 89

Muskoka and Parry Sound - 49 Renfrew, North - 68 Renfrew, South - 69 Lanark, North - 38 Carleton - 10 Russell - 70 Presscott - 66 Glengarry - 20 Cornwall and Stormont - 12 Dundas - 12 Genville, South - 21 Leeds North, and Grenville - 40 Brockville - 5 Leeds, South - 41 Lanark, South - 39 Addington - 1 Frontenac - 19 Lennox - 42 Prince Edward - 67 Hastings, West - 28 Hastings, East - 29 Northumberland, East - 53 Northumberland, West - 54 Durham, East - 13 Durham, West - 14 Ontario, South - 56 Ontario, West - 57 York, East - 88 York, West - 89 Peel - 61 Halton - 26 Wellington, South - 83 Wentworth, South - 86 Lincoln and Niagara - 43 Welland - 81 Haldimand and Monck - 25 Norfolk, South - 52 Elgin, East - 15 Brant, South - 4 Wentworth North and Brant - 85 Waterloo, South - 80 Norfolk, North - 51 Oxford, South - 60 Oxford, North - 59 Waterloo, North - 79 Middlesex, East - 47 Essex, South - 18 Essex, North - 17 Bothwell - 3 Middlesex, West - 48 Lambton, West - 37 Lanark, North - 38 Kent - 34 Elgin, West - 16 Middlesex, South - 46 Middlessex, North - 45 Perth, South - 63 Perth, North - 62 Wellington, Centre - 84 Cardwell - 9 York, North - 87 Ontario, North - 55 Victoria, South - 78 Peterborough, West - 65 Peterborough, East - 64 Hastings, North - 30 Victoria, North - 77 Simcoe, East - 73 Simcoe, South - 72 Simcoe, North - 71 Grey, East - 24 Wellington, North - 82 Grey, South - 22 Grey, North - 23 Bruce, East - 8 Bruce, West - 7 Bruce, North - 6 Huron, West - 32 Huron, East - 31 Huron, South - 33 Algoma - 2 Nipissing - 50 Hamilton City - 27 Kingston City - 35 London City - 44 Ottawa City - 58 Toronto, East - 74 Toronto, West - 75 Toronto, Centre - 76