Compiled by Alfonsina Clemente, Josiane Polidori and Daniel St-Hilaire Children's Literature Service
Annotations Authors
Paul Beauséjour (PB)
Jean-Marie Brière (JMB)
Louise Castonguay (LC)
Sara Chatfield (SC)
Alfonsina Clemente (AC)
Andrée Côté (ANC)
Normand Laplante (NL)
Manise Marston (MM)
Mary McIntyre (MMc)
Chantal Métivier (CM)
Josiane Polidori (JP)
Martin Ruddy (MR)
Nicolas Savard (NS)
Linda Sigouin (LS)
Dale Simmons (DS)
Mel Simoneau (MS)
Daniel St-Hilaire (DSH)
Sylvie Tardif (ST)
Cover and inside illustrations ©Ron Lightburn. Illustrations taken from A Poppy Is to Remember, Heather Patterson (text), published by North Winds Press (Markham, Ontario, 2004).
LAC is grateful to the Canadian Federation of University Women for their support.
Web site design: Kirsten Bartel and Larry Parker
Editing, English text: Michèle Brenckmann and Betty Geraldes
Editing, French text: Jean-Marie Brière and Edwidge Munn