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Aboriginal education : fulfilling the promise. - Edited by Marlene Castellano, Lynne Davis and Louise Lahache. - Vancouver : UBC Press, c2000. - 278 p.
Aboriginal education in Canada : a study in decolonization. - Edited by K.P. Binda and Sharilyn Caillou. - Mississauga, Ont. : Canadian Educators’ Press, c2001. - 225 p.
Aboriginal languages and education : the Canadian experience. - Edited by Sonia Morris, Keith MacLeod and Marcel Danesi. - Oakville, Ont. : Mosaic Press, c1993. - 140 p.
Adams, LaVerne. - Medicine. - Abbotsford, B.C. : University College of the Fraser Valley Press, c1991. - 116 leaves
Alter, Susan. - Apologising for serious wrongdoing [electronic resource] : social, psychological and legal considerations. - [Ottawa] : Law Commission of Canada, 1999. - [Cited March 21, 2002]. - National Library of Canada Electronic Collection. - Issued also in French : La présentation des excuses relatives à une faute grave. - Access:
As we see : Aboriginal pedagogy. - Edited by Lenore A. Stiffarm. - Saskatoon : University Extension Press, University of Saskatchewan, c1998. - 126 p.
Born, David O. - Eskimo education and the trauma of social change. - Ottawa : Northern Science Research Group, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1970. - 48 p.
Breaking the silence : an interpretive study of residential school impact and healing as illustrated by the stories of First Nations individuals. - Ottawa : Assembly of First Nations, 1994. - 196 p.
Burnaby, Barbara. Languages and their role in educating Native children. - Toronto : OISE Press, 1980. - 417 p.
Canada. Department of Justice. - Minister’s reference on institutional child abuse [electronic resource] : discussion paper. - [Ottawa] : Law Commission of Canada, [1999]. - [Cited March 26, 2002]. - National Library of Canada Electronic Collection. - Issued also in French : Le renvoi de la Ministre sur les sévices contre les enfants placés en établissements, document de la discussion. - Access:
Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. - Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. - [Ottawa] : The Commission, 1996. - 5 vol. in 6 parts. - Also published in French, under the title: Rapport de la Commission royale sur les peuples autochtones.
Carney, Robert. - "Aboriginal residential schools before Confederation : the early experience." - Historical studies : Canadian Catholic Historical Association. - Vol. 61 (1995), - p. 13-40
Chalmers, J. W. - Education behind the buckskin curtain : a history of Native education in Canada. - Edmonton : [s. n., 1974]. - 351 p.
Cheechoo, Shirley. - Path with no moccasins : a play. - West Bay, Ont. : [s.n., 1993]. - 48 p.
Chrisjohn, Roland D. ; Young, Sherri. - The circle game : shadows and substance in the Indian residential school experience in Canada. - Penticton, B.C. : Theytus Books, c1997. - 327 p.
Claes, Rhonda ; Clifton, Deborah. - Needs and expectations for redress of victims of abuse at Native residential schools [electronic resource]. - [Ottawa : Law Commission of Canada, 1998]. - [Cited January 31, 2002]. - Issued also in French: Besoins et attentes en matière de reparation pour les sévices commis contre les enfants placés dans les pensionnats pour enfants autochtones. - Access:
http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/lcc-cdc/needs_expectations_redres-e/html/claes.html (en anglais seulement)
Cruel lessons [videorecording]. - Producer, Paul Hunt. - [Toronto] : Prentice Hall, c1999. - 1 cassette, 25 min. 30 sec.
Dandurand, Joseph A. - Looking into the eyes of my forgotten dreams. - Wiarton, Ont. : Kegedonce Press, c1998. - 55 p.
Deiter, Constance. - From our mothers’ arms : the intergenerational impact of residential schools in Saskatchewan. - Etobicoke, Ont. : United Church Pub. House, c1999. - 100 p.
Dickason, Olive p. - Canada’s First Nations : a history of founding peoples from earliest times. - 3rd ed. - Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 560 p. - Second edition also published in French, under the title : Les premières nations
Dinwoodie, Marian. - Legislation related to Indian education, 1829-1985. - Saskatoon : The Office, 1995. - 61 leaves
Dyck, Noel. - Differing visions : administering Indian residential schooling in Prince Albert 1867-1995. - Halifax, N.S. : Fernwood, c1997. - 134 p.
Ennamorato, Judith. - Sing the brave song. - Schomberg, Ont. : Raven Press, 1999. - 222 p.
First Nations education in Canada : the circle unfolds. - Edited by Marie Battiste ; Jean Barman. - Vancouver : UBC Press, 1995. - 355 p.
Fournier, Suzanne ; Crey, Ernie. - Stolen from our embrace : the abduction of First Nations children and the restoration of Aboriginal communities. - Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre, c1997. - 250 p.
Framing the issues [videorecording]. - [Ottawa] : Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, c1992. - 1 videocassette. - Also published in Inuktitut under the title : Avattilliqsinniq pilliriaksaujunnik, and in French under the title : Les questions en jeu
Frideres, James S. - "Native people and education" . - The political economy of Canadian schooling. - Edited by Terry Wotherspoon. - Toronto : Methuen, 1987. - p. 275-289
Fulton, Hilary J. M. - The melting snowman : the Canadian Indian Residence as a place for children to live and grow. - Ottawa : Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Education Branch, Student Residence Services, 1972. - 84 p.
Grant, Agnes. - No end of grief : Indian residential schools in Canada. - Winnipeg : Pemmican Pub., 1996. - 310 p.
Gresko, Jacqueline. - "White ‘rites’ and Indian ‘rites’ : Indian education and Native responses in the West" . - Western Canada, past and present. - Edited by A. W. Rasporich. - Calgary, Alta. : University of Calgary Press, 1975. - p. 163-181
Haig-Brown, Celia. - Resistance and renewal : surviving the Indian residential school. - Vancouver : Tillacum Library, c1988. - 164 p. - Also available as a sound recording
Healing the hurts [videorecording]. - Producer, Phil Lucas. - [Lethbridge, Alta.] : Four Worlds International Institute for Human and Community Development, c1989. - 1 videocassette, 59 min. 30 sec.
Hodgson, Maggie. "Spirituality vs. religion" and First Nation’s response to healing of a government's decision to set social policy to dictate Christianity as the solution to assimilate our people. - Edmonton : Nechi Institute on Alcohol and Drug Education, c1991. - 17 p.
-----. - From anomie to rebirth : the eagle has landed!. - Edmonton : Nechi Institute on Alcohol and Drug Education, 1992. - 30 leaves
-----. - Impact of residential schools and other root causes of poor mental health. - Edmonton : Nechi Institute on Alcohol and Drug Education, [1990]. - 13 p.
Hookimaw-Witt, Jacqueline. - "Any changes since residential school?" . - Canadian journal of Native education. - Vol. 22, no. 2 (1998). - p. 159-170
Indian education in Canada. - Edited by Jean Barman, Yvonne Hébert, and Don McCaskill. - Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1986-1987. - 2 vol.
Ing, Rosalyn. - "The effects of residential schools on Native child-rearing practices" . - Canadian journal of Native education. - Vol. 18, no. supp. (1991). - p 65-118
Just children : survivors of residential school abuse tell their stories [videorecording]. -- Producer, Glen Richards. - Ottawa : [Law Commission of Canada], 2000. - Also in French under the title: Que des enfants. - Produced for the Law Commission of Canada
Kelm, Mary-Ellen. "A scandalous procession : residential schooling and the re/formation of Aboriginal bodies, 1900-1950" . - Native studies review. - Vol. 11, no. 2 (1996). - P. 51-88
Kirkness, Verna J. ; Bowman, Sheena Selkirk - First Nations and schools : triumphs and struggles. - Toronto : Canadian Education Association, c1992. - 130 p.
Lakevold, Dale ; Racine, Darrell. - Misty Lake. - Lake Audy, Man. : Adler & Ringe Publishers, c2000. - 66 p.
Lascelles, Thomas. - Roman Catholic residential schools in British Columbia. - Vancouver : Order of OMI in B.C., 1990. - 104 p.
Law Commission of Canada. - Restoring dignity : responding to child abuse in Canadian institutions. - [Ottawa] : Law Commission of Canada, c2000. - 455 p. - Also published in French under the title: La dignité retrouvée. - Also available from: http://www.lcc.gc.ca/en/ress/news/pr230300.asp
Lingman, Mary. - Sammy goes to residential school. - Waterloo, Ont. : Penumbre Press, c1991. - 95 p.
Logan, R. Bernice. - The teaching wigwams. - Rev. ed. - [Tangier, N.S. : R.B. Logan],
1993-1995. - 1178 (2 vols.) ; 363 p.
Loyie, Oskiniko Larry ; Manuel, Vera. - Two plays about residential school. - Vancouver : Living Traditions, 1998. - 199 p.
Maracle, Lee. - Sojourners and sundogs : First Nations fiction. -- Vancouver : Press Gang Publishers, c1999. - 349 p.
Miller, J. R. - "The irony of residential schooling." - Canadian journal of Native education. - Vol. 14, no. 7 (1987). - p. 3-14
-----. - Shingwauk’s vision : a history of Native residential schools. - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c1996. - 582 p.
-----. - Skyscrapers hide the heavens : a history of Indian-White relations in Canada. - 3rd ed. - Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2000. - 481 p.
Miller, James ; Danziger, Edmund. - "‘In the care of strangers’ : Walpole Island First Nation’s experiences with residential schools after the First World War." - Ontario history. - Vol. XCII, no. 2 (Spring 2000). - p. 71-88
Million, Dian. - "Telling secrets : sex, power, and narratives in Indian residential school histories." - Canadian woman studies. - Vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer 2000). - p. 92-104
Milloy, John. - A national crime : the Canadian government and the residential school system, 1879-1986. - Winnipeg : University of Manitoba Press, c1999. - 402 p.
Moine, Louise. - Remembering will have to do. - Translator, Ernest Bonaise. - Saskatoon : Saskatchewan Indian Cultural College, Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, c1979. - [60] p. - Parallel texts in English and Cree
National Indian Brotherhood. - Indian control of Indian education : policy paper. - Ottawa : National Indian Brotherhood, c1972. - 38 p. - Also published in French, under the title: La maîtrise indienne de l’éducation indienne : déclaration de principe
The Nitinaht chronicles [videorecording]. - Producer, Jacques Vallée. - [S.l.] : National Film Board of Canada, 1998. - 1 videocassette, 143 min. - Also published in French, under the title: Chroniques de Nitinaht
Pauls, Syd. - "Chapter 2 : racism and Native schooling : a historical perspective" . - Racism in Canadian schools. - Edited by M. Ibrahim Alladin. - Toronto : Harcourt Brace Canada, 1996. - p. 22-41
Residential schools : the stolen years. - Edited by Linda Jaine. - 2nd ed. - Saskatoon : University Extension Press, Extension Division, University of Saskatchewan, 1995, c1993. - 138 p.
Shea, Goldie M. - Institutional child abuse in Canada [electronic resource] : civil cases. - [Ottawa : Law Commission of Canada], 1999. - [Cited March 21, 2002]. - Issued also in French : Les sévices infligés aux enfants placés en établissements au Canada : jurisprudence en matière civile. - Access:
http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/lcc-cdc/inst_child_abuse_civil-e/index4.html (en anglais seulement)
----- . - Institutional child abuse in Canada [electronic resource] : criminal cases. - [Ottawa : Law Commission of Canada], 1999. - [Cited March 21, 2002]. - Issued also in French : Les sévices infligés aux enfants placés en établissements au Canada : jurisprudence en matière criminelle. - Access:
http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/lcc-cdc/inst_child_abuse_criminal-e/shea.html (en anglais seulement)
Titley, E. Brian. - The industrial schools : an experiment in Canadian Indian education. - [Canada : s.n.], 1985. - 42 leaves
-----. - A narrow vision : Duncan Campbell Scott and the administration of Indian Affairs in Canada. - Vancouver : University of British Columbia Press, 1986. - 245 p.
Trevithick, Scott R. - "Native residential schooling in Canada : a review of literature". - Canadian journal of Native studies. - Vol. 18, no. 1 (1998). - p. 49-86
Urion, Carl. - "Introduction : the experience of Indian residential schooling" . - Canadian journal of Native education. - Vol. 18, no. supp (1991). - p. i-iv
Voice of the drum : indigenous education and culture. - Edited by Roger Neil. - Brandon, Man. : Kingfisher Publications, 2000. - 290 p.
York, Geoffrey. - "Chapter Two : from Lyttonburg to Sabaskong Bay : fighting for the schools" . - The dispossessed : life and death in Native Canada. - 2nd ed. - Toronto : MacArthur, 1999. - p. 22-53