Dept. of the Interior, RG 15, Series D II 8m, North-West Half-Breeds and Original White Settlers, Registers and Indexes, 1877-1927, 4.5 m, vols. 1475 to 1555; microfilm reels C-11872 to C-11885.
[Alphabetical] Index to North-West Half-Breed Claims Authorized by chap. 54, sec. 90, par. F., R., S., C., as amended by sec. 4, 62, 63, Vict., chap. 16 (1899), and Order-in-Council of the 2nd March, 1900 [and Subsequent Orders]
This alphabetical index of Métis claimants under Treaty 5 and Treaty 10 includes the applications taken by Borthwick in 1907 and those taken by Semmens in 1908, 1909, and 1910. The claims taken by Semmens under the Treaty 5 adhesions were collected under entirely separate authorities (Orders-in-Council P.C. 1114, 12 May, 1908; P.C. 1060, 29 May, 1909; and P.C. 1193, 24 May, 1911) from Borthwick's Treaty 10 entries (Orders-in-Council P.C. 1459, 20 July, 1906 and P.C. 1497, 20 July, 1906). Semmens' entries are clearly dated and, for each letter of the alphabet, are listed after those made by Borthwick; thereby, making it possible for researchers to separate the two. In both cases, the entries are organized alphabetically by the claimant's name, with each entry recording his/her date of birth, his/her place of residence, his/her parents' names, the case file number (if such was created), and a summary statement by the department as to whether or not the claim was allowed.
RG 15, vol. 1516, Aperture Card Book 99, reel C-11879
Register of Delivery of Manitoba and North-West Territory Scrip, Orders in Council of 30th March and 20th April, 1885 [and Subsequent Orders]
These registers document the delivery of scrip to claimants filing under the Manitoba Supplementary Commission, the North-West Half-Breed Commissions, the Alberta-Saskatchewan Commissions, and the Treaty 8, 10, and 5 Commissions, including all their adhesions. The registers are organized alphabetically according to the last name of the claimant. Each entry records the scrip number; the name and address of the person or agent to whom the scrip was issued; the date of scrip delivery; a brief description as to the authority (i.e., the Commission) under which the scrip was awarded; the amount and type of scrip issued; the application number (if applicable); the number and date of the receipt; the case file reference number; the certificate number; and a column for general remarks by departmental administrators. The registers are excellent sources for researchers to find documentation on a claimant's complete scrip record. They provide an alphabetical index to many of the records in RG 15 which have been filed under a numerical system. For example, the scrip certificates, scrip notes and scrip receipts are filed in RG 15 by the document number. The finding aids for these records either do not exist or consist of file lists organized under the numerical system. It can be a very tedious task to find such documents when the number is unknown. The registers described here will provide researchers with these numbers when only the claimant's name is known.
For deliveries made by the Treaty 5 Adhesion Commission see RG 15, vol. 1520, Aperture Card Book 103, reel C-11880