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French Titles in Alternate FormatsAvailable at the Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille in Montréal AudioALEXIS D'HAÏTI Alexis’s father is in jail, accused of being the leader of a rebellion. For his wife and son, it is too risky to stay. Alexis’s mother sells everything to pay a refugee smuggler, and Alexis gives his dog to a friend. With 40 other people, they crowd into a sailboat designed for 10. The boat runs aground on the beach at Key West, where police officers take the refugees to a camp. They have left their country for freedom, risked their lives, and now they find themselves behind barbed wire. Alexis is ill: his body is revolted by the food, his soul by the fences that surround them. His friend Mathurin tries to calm him, but Alexis harangues his fellow detainees, encouraging them to act, to rise up, to reclaim Ayabombe (freedom). Their cries are heard. The first book to be written about the exodus from Haiti, Alexis d’Haïti is an unsentimental and historically accurate tale, which includes several intense moments. C'EST PROMIS! INCH'ALLAH! C'est promis! Inch'Allah! tells the story of Fatima, a young Moroccan living happily with her family until her father decides to pull up stakes and move to the desert with his wife and children. Despite its beauty, the land is harsh, and Fatima must learn self-reliance. For young readers, the book explores new horizons as it follows Fatima in the long journey into the heart of the Moroccan desert. LETTRE DE CHINE Catherine is a 14-year-old girl of Chinese descent. One day, she receives a letter from Changsha, China, informing her that her mother, Tsung Fei, is still alive but suffering from cancer and has little time left. Catherine is deeply distressed -- she thought her mother was dead. Catherine was adopted at the age of six months by a Quebec couple through the involvement of their friend Dr. Chang Shou, Catherine's godfather. Anxious to get to know her biological mother and her country of birth, she sets off with her godfather, a Chinese exile. The time Catherine spends with her mother and her ancestors includes moments of great intimacy and emotion. Lettre de Chine is both captivating and interesting from an historical point of view, describing as it does the cultural revolution in China from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. MYSTÈRES DE CHINE Andréa-Maria is a lucky girl; her mother is a theatre prop person. One day, she brings home a large tea chest, in which Andréa and Arthur, her new friend, discover a letter written in Chinese, and a negative. They need nothing more to arouse their curiosity and convince them to investigate. Fortunately, their friend Xiao-Fen agrees to help them. Will they be able to figure out what the letter means? Who is the mysterious person in the photograph? Why have the letter and the negative been hidden in the tea chest? Mystères de Chine is a novel full of rhythm and movement, as well as exotic flavours and legends. To obtain a copy of these works in an alternate format, please contact the Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille at the following address: Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille