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1. "This 'in the world and not of the world' concept is a favourite of Mennonites historically. When I was in Switzerland, I found people driven up in the mountains and defending why they were there historically – that they wanted to be in the world but not of it. Whereas the younger theologians were saying, "But this is not what it means", that one, in fact, must be in the world geographically and, being in the world, not sell out to the world in which one is."
Listen to the excerpt [RM 152 KB]
2. "You can't build an island of holiness in the middle of a city…"
Listen to the excerpt [RM 35 KB]
3. "… one of the things that I like the most about the so-called Anabaptist tradition is that you work out your destiny in the fellowship of other people."
Listen to the excerpt [RM 50 KB]
4. "Oh God our Father, we thank You for the story of the father of the Prodigal Son. We thank You for this message. You know us, You know what kind of people we are, how we are made psychologically. So often we just feel that You cannot accept us again. We thank You for this message. We pray that it penetrate to the very depths of our souls today, that we may reaffirm our acceptance as Your children, that we may leave from here knowing who You are and who we are…"
Listen to the excerpt [RM 273 KB]
5. "The breakdown of the historic, ethnic Mennonite kind of existence, in view of their relatively recent concern for being in the world in order to evangelize, is also, at the same time, the road that will lead them away from that which they have been and, in many cases, that which they have called cardinal to their own existence."
Listen to the excerpt [RM 147 KB]
6. "I think, in general, the zeitgeist I guess you might call it the spirit of the times, does have an influence, not so much on the older generation but the younger people are much more aware of it. In my youth, we weren't subjected to the publicity that we get now from T.V. and radio and records. Popular music made very little inroads in our circles ... Mennonite groups could pretty well shrug off that kind of thing. Whereas now, our children, they're familiar with all these things and they like them."
Listen to the excerpt [RM 173 KB]
7. "As a matter of fact, I had a rather prominent gentleman in the Mennonite Church ask me how I accommodated this obvious conflict that arises between the dissonance of William Walton's "Belshazzar's Feast" and the harmony of the Christian experience..."
Listen to the excerpt [RM 121 KB]
8. "Let me put it this way: If I meet a child who has never trusted a human being it would be absolutely futile for me to speak to this child of God's love, for instance. If this person has never trusted anyone whom he has seen, how could he possibly put any trust in a God whom he has not seen?"
Listen to the excerpt [RM 116 KB]