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Search Results

Search Term(s): "Speed" and "Skating'"
Results: (829-837 of 856)  Previous  Next

Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA)
Kristina Groves of Calgary skates to a eighth place in the women's 3,000 metre speed skating in the . . . Clara Hughes, of Winnipeg, smiles after her tenth place finish in the women's 3,000 metre speed skat. . . Clara Hughes of Winnipeg hugs her coach Xiuli Wang after finishing tenth in the women's 3,000 metre . . .
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Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA)
Team Canada's long track speed skater Dustin Molicki powers on to beat teammate Mark Knoll for the C. . . Team Canada's long track speed skater Dustin Molicki powers on to beat teammate Mark Knoll for the C. . . Team Canada's long track speed skater Dustin Molicki powers on to beat teammate Mark Knoll for the C. . .
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Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA) Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic winter  games. (CP Photo/COA)
Team Canada's long track speed skater Dustin Molicki ends up with a time of 6:26.29 in the 5,000 met. . . Canada's Dustin Molicki, part of the long track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympi. . . Canada's Jean-Francois Monette, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake Cit. . .
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Results: (829-837 of 856)  Previous  Next