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Search Results

Search Term(s): "Speed" and "Skating'"
Results: (784-792 of 856)  Previous  Next

Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA
Canada's Isabelle Charest, part of the short track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Oly. . . Catriona Le May Doan of Saskatoon celebrates her gold medal run in the women's 500 metre speed skati. . . Canada's Catriona Le May Doan, part of the long track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City . . .
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Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA
Canada's Philippe Marois, part of the long track speed skating team at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olymp. . . Canadian speed skater Kevin Marshall waves the crowd after the Men's 1000 meter at the 2002 Olympic . . . Canadian speed skater Kevin Marshall skates during the Mens 1000 meter in Salt Lake City, Utah Satur. . .
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Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating his Canadian record race of 6:30.63 in the 5,000 metre mens final at the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah Saturday Feb. 9, 2002. (CP Photo/HO/COA
Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Steven Elm skates during the 5,000 metre mens final at. . . Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll salutes the crowd after skating his Canadia. . . Team Canada's Olympic long track speed skater Mark Knoll, of Regina, takes a breath after skating hi. . .
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