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Canada's Stephen Pickell chosen for the swimming team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Mosc. . . | Canada's Wendy Quirk chosen for the swimming team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Moscow O. . . | Canada's Kathy Richardson chosen for the swimming team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Mos. . . | ||
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Canada's Alan Roaf chosen as head coach for the rowing team but did not compete in the boycotted 19. . . | Canada's Bonita Rope chosen to coach the men's gymnastics team but did not participate in the boycot. . . | Canada's Lisa Roy chosen for the rowing team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Moscow Olympi. . . | ||
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Canada's Marg Savage chosen as manager for the men's swimming team but did not participate in the b. . . | Canada's William Sawchuk chosen for the swimming team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Mosc. . . | Canada's Elfi Schlegel chosen for the gymnastics team but did not compete in the boycotted 1980 Mosc. . . | ||
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