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Search Results

Search Term(s): "Schill, Rachel"
Results: (1-6 of 6)    

Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood) Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood) Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood)
Erin White of Richmond, B.C. and Rachel Schill of Kitchener, Ont. celebrate the Canadian women's sof. . . Canada's Rachel Schill (lying down) and Cindy Eadie (sitting) on a break during a practice on August. . . Canada's Cindy Eadie (#9), Auburn Sigurdson (#24), Kaila Holtz (#27), and Rachel Schill (#6) celebra. . .
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Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood) Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood) Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic Games in Athens. (CP PHOTO)2004(COC-Mike Ridewood)
Canada's Cindy Eadie (#9), Auburn Sigurdson (#24), Kaila Holtz (#27), and Rachel Schill (#6) celebra. . . Canada's Rachel Schill watches where she hit the ball during a practice on August 11, 2004 at the Ol. . . Canada's Rachel Schill during the preliminary game against Taipei on August 14, 2004 at the Olympic . . .
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Results: (1-6 of 6)