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ARCHIVED - Canadian Olympians

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Search Results

Search Term(s): "Kilburn, Joe"
Results: (1-5 of 5)    

Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. (CP PHOTO/ COA) Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. (CP PHOTO/ COA) Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. (CP PHOTO/ COA)
Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-men bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placi. . . Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placi. . . Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placi. . .
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Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. (CP PHOTO/ COA) Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics. (CP PHOTO/ COA)
Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placi. . . Canada's Robert Wilson and Joe Kilburn compete in the two-man bobsleigh event at the 1980 Lake Placi. . .
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Results: (1-5 of 5)