ARCHIVED - Plan of the Hudson's Bay Company's reserve in Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1887, by C.V. Brydges - The Canadian West - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada
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Plan of the Hudson Bay Company's reserve in Winnipeg, Manitoba
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Plan of the Hudson's Bay Company's reserve in Winnipeg, Manitoba
1887, by C.V. Brydges

In addition to sections 8 and 26 that the Hudson's Bay Company received in each township as payment for giving up its title to Rupert's Land, it also received land adjoining all of its active posts, to a maximum of 50,000 acres. This 1887 map shows the lands that the company claimed in downtown Winnipeg. It was not unusual for company representatives to delay selling such lands until the areas adjacent to them were built up. The delay may have helped the company's land to increase in value, but it often frustrated developers who felt that land speculation by the Hudson's Bay Company slowed the pace of urban development.

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